What To Know About Water Safety Before Heading To The Beach or Pool

What To Know About Water Safety Before Heading To The Beach or Pool


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — With school out for the summer and temperatures rising across the country, many families will visit the beach, lake or local swimming pool. Now is the time to review safety tips to keep children safe around water.

Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 and the second leading cause of unintentional death for children in the 5 to 14 age group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In the United States, 973 children under the age of 19 drowned in 2021, and another 6,500 were treated in emergency rooms following near drowning incidents, according to Gary Karton of Safe Kids Worldwide, a nonprofit organization working to prevent childhood injury.

In fact, more drownings occur in the summer, and specifically in July, than any other time of the year, according to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Palm Beach County Ocean Rescue lifeguard Daniel Barnickel said there always should be an adult monitoring the water.

“As a whole, never swim alone," he said.

Taking the time to go over safety procedures and rules before heading to the pool or beach can benefit children and their parents.

If you have a backyard pool

The most important safety feature of a backyard swimming pool is a barrier, such as a safety fence, to prevent unsupervised access to the water.

Many children who drowned at home did so during times they were not expected to be in the water, according to the American Red Cross. In some cases, children were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care of one or both parents when they slipped into the pool and drowned, the agency said.

That said, it is vital to make sure children learn to swim. There are many programs that teach children to swim, including Red Cross swimming courses across the U.S.

If a child goes missing, remember that seconds count. Check the water first, safety experts advise. It's also important to have appropriate equipment available at home. This includes something to throw into the water for a child to grab onto, a cell phone to call for help, life jackets and a first aid kit.

Skills children should learn to prevent drowning

All children should learn to step or jump into water that's above their head and safely return to the surface and also be able to float or tread water, according to Safe Kids Worldwide.

They should also be able to quickly turn around in the water and find a safe place, combine breathing with moving forward in the water and get out of the water.

Create a safe environment

If several adults are at the pool, beach or lake with a group of children, choose a water watcher who can have eyes on the children at all times. It's a great idea to rotate the water watcher among the adults for brief amounts of time, such as 15-minute intervals, experts at Safe Kids Worldwide recommend.

While at the pool or around water, it's advisable to avoid distractions. Put away phones, books and magazines, because drowning is often silent and can happen in less than five minutes.

When you're finished swimming, make sure to remove all floats and pool toys so young children won't be enticed to reach for them.

Teach children to stay away from pool drains or suction devices, which can entrap swimmers' hair or limbs.

Since 2014, all public pools and spas in the U.S. have been required to comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act, which was named after a 7-year-old girl who died after being caught by the strong suction of a hot tub drain in 2002. Her mother lobbied Congress to require drain covers and other pool safety features.

But even with those safety elements, experts say it’s a good practice to check the drains and devices before children get into a pool.

More water safety tips

Always swim with a buddy, or in an area supervised by a lifeguard.

“Make sure that you don’t overestimate your abilities,” Barnickel said. “Know your limits.”

Have young or inexperienced children wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets. The size of the life jacket should be based on the child's height and weight. Never substitute arm floaties or inflatable swimming rings for life jackets.

The best practice is to keep children within an arm's reach of an adult at all times when in the water and teach them to always ask permission to go near the water.

Enforce safety rules, including no running or pushing on the pool deck and no dunking people in the water. It's also a good idea to keep them from chewing gum or eating while swimming or jumping in the water.

Experts also recommend making sure children know the depth of the water so they don't dive into the shallow end and get injured.

Swimming in open water

Open water, such as the ocean or a lake, is much different than a backyard swimming pool.

Children need to understand there can be limited visibility and uneven surfaces in the ocean and lakes. They also need to be taught about currents and undertow, which can pull them under water and away from the shore.

“Year after year in South Florida, rip currents claim more lives than every weather-related hazard combined,” Barnickel said. “We’ve seen locals come here that have been going to the beach their whole life, and they’ve never been caught in a rip current, or they think that they have and they know what to do. And they’ll get pulled out into a rip current. We’ll go out and get them, and they say, ‘I can’t believe that happened.’"

When at a beach or lake, it's important to use designated swimming or recreational areas. Watch for signs posted about water hazards, as well as the times that lifeguards will be present.

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Does ShareASale Require You To Have Your Own Website?

Does ShareASale Require You To Have Your Own Website?

Technically, no, ShareASale doesn't strictly require you to have your own website to become an affiliate.  They do, however, require a live, content-rich online presence according to their FAQ https://www.shareasale.com/info/affiliates/

This means you have two options:

Website: This is the preferred method. Your website should have good, relevant content and avoid inappropriate material.

Social Media Page: You can promote products through established social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram, but these pages should be relevant to the products you want to promote.

While a website might be the easier path to approval, ShareASale acknowledges success can be achieved with other methods. It's important to remember that promoting products without a website might require more effort or investment to build a following.

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ShareASale Review: Pros, Cons, and How to Become an Affiliate

ShareASale Review: Pros, Cons, and How to Become an Affiliate

If you’re a self-employed blogger aiming to monetize your passion, affiliate marketing might be a key strategy in your arsenal. ShareASale, an affiliate marketing portal, has emerged as a go-to platform for many content creators. In this honest review, we’ll delve into the intricacies of ShareASale, examining why it’s favored and uncovering both the positives and negatives from a seasoned user’s perspective.

What is ShareASale, and Why Choose It?

ShareASale serves as a centralized hub listing companies willing to pay commissions for referral sales. For bloggers juggling multiple niches, its convenience stands out. With thousands of products neatly organized, it’s a time-saving resource for those who prefer a one-stop-shop approach.

The Blogger’s Toolbox — Pros of Using ShareASale

Active and Diverse Marketplace: ShareASale boasts thousands of companies across various categories, ensuring a plethora of products to promote. The constant addition of new items keeps the platform vibrant and dynamic.

User-Friendly Interface: Navigating ShareASale is a breeze, crucial for bloggers investing the majority of their time in content creation. An intuitive interface simplifies the process of finding and promoting products.

High Acceptance Rates: Unlike some competitors, ShareASale has a reputation for higher acceptance rates. Bloggers find it easier to join affiliate programs aligned with their content, eliminating the frustration of rejections.

Punctual Payouts: Trust is crucial in affiliate marketing, and ShareASale shines in this aspect. Timely payouts and seamless transfers contribute to its credibility as a legitimate platform.

Accessible Affiliate Managers: Quick access to affiliate managers facilitates smoother collaborations. Building relationships and negotiating commission rates becomes a straightforward process.

Navigating the Bumps — Cons of ShareASale

WordPress Compatibility Challenges: The affiliate links generated by ShareASale pose a challenge for WordPress users. Characters like “&” can be altered when switching between text and visual modes, demanding last-minute link additions.

Link Verification Woes: ShareASale lacks a feature to verify affiliate links on their platform. Bloggers struggle to identify and fix broken links, impacting the integrity of their content over time.

Outdated Website Design: While functionality remains intact, the outdated design raises concerns about the platform’s long-term viability. A more modern interface could instill confidence in users regarding ongoing support and resources.

 Success with ShareASale, like any affiliate marketing venture, depends on dedication and strategy. While instant millions might be a stretch, the platform offers unlimited income potential. The learning curve is steep, but once mastered, it becomes a reliable source of recurring income. Bloggers with established ShareASale accounts often experience higher acceptance rates and enjoy streamlined income generation.

Becoming a ShareASale Affiliate — A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create a New Account

Choosing a brand-aligned username and a unique password is the first step. This sets the foundation for your ShareASale journey.

2. Add Your Details

Provide information about your publisher website and marketing strategy. Ensure your site complies with ShareASale’s content policies.

3. Confirm Your Email Address

Use a professional email address aligned with your website domain for a more credible application. Verify your email to proceed.

4. Plug in Your Contact Info

Complete personal details, including your name and phone number. Confirm ownership of the provided email and website domain.

5. Confirm Payment Details

Select your preferred payment method — direct deposit, postal service check, or federal express check.

6. Getting Started

Once registered, explore ShareASale’s resources on finding merchants or affiliates, reporting, FAQs, and webinars to kickstart your affiliate marketing journey.

FAQs — Addressing Common Queries

Q1: Is ShareASale suitable for beginners in affiliate marketing?

Yes, ShareASale’s simplicity makes it an excellent choice for beginners, offering a user-friendly interface and higher acceptance rates.

Q2: How much time does it take to see significant earnings on ShareASale?

Earning potential on ShareASale is unlimited, but success requires time, dedication, and a learning curve to understand effective promotion strategies.

Q3: Can I track the performance of my affiliate links on ShareASale?

While ShareASale provides activity reports, tracking broken links directly on the platform is currently not supported, requiring vigilance during content editing.

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Closing Thoughts — A Love/Hate Relationship with ShareASale

In conclusion, after over two years as a ShareASale user, the platform’s convenience and active marketplace make it a staple in the blogger’s toolkit. Despite minor grievances, the platform’s benefits, especially in acceptance rates and timely payouts, outweigh the drawbacks. A love/hate relationship persists, but the love prevails for this seasoned affiliate marketer. Aspiring and experienced affiliates alike find value in ShareASale’s simplicity, positioning it as a long-term affiliate marketing solution.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content is based on personal experiences and research, and individual results may vary. Before making any business decisions, it is recommended to conduct thorough research and, if necessary, consult with a professional advisor.

Affiliate Disclosure:

Please note that some of the links in this article are affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I believe may be valuable and beneficial to my audience. Your support through these affiliate links helps sustain the creation of free content and resources. Thank you for your support and understanding.


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How To Easily Get Approved On Shareasale Affiliate Network

How To Easily Get Approved On Shareasale Affiliate Network

Wondering how to get approved on the ShareASale affiliate network?


Did it happen that you tried joining the network but were refused, not once but multiple times?


Well, that can be frustrating, especially when you’re starting your journey as an affiliate marketer. However, when you follow the process right and try to find out the reasons for disapproval, you get closer to getting approved, as your next application will eliminate those reasons.


If you’re contemplating how to make that happen, well, stop contemplating and read this article. In this article, you’ll know everything you need to understand about getting approved on the ShareASale affiliate network.


What Is ShareASale?

ShareASale is a Chicago-based affiliate marketing network offering merchants and affiliates a platform to collaborate and earn profits.


The affiliates promote different merchant registered products available on the ShareASale affiliate network and earn sales-based commissions.

The merchants make profits in the sense that they see an increase in sales due to direct and constant promotions by the affiliates.


To know about the network in more detail, have a read of this detailed ShareASale Review.

There are multiple affiliate networks, then why ShareASale? Well, ShareASale is a long-established network with an experience in advertising and marketing for over two decades. Its customer base and market share are pretty huge which makes it an attractive network for affiliate marketers.


Besides that, hereinbelow are some more benefits that serve as key reasons for signing for the ShareASale affiliate network.


  • User-Friendly Interface

The user interface of ShareASale is very simple and neat, and it’s super easy to find out different affiliate programs on the network, start promoting them and make a commission.


This makes the platform favorable even for beginners who are just stepping and setting their foot into affiliate marketing.


  • Small Withdrawal Amount

The minimum threshold for payments is just $50. So, once your earned commission reaches $50, you’ll get paid in the payment cycles. So, you don’t have to wait too much for the payment.


  • Multiple Categories

The websites and product categories to promote and earn commission are very vast and you can easily find multiple products to promote and keep growing your earnings.


  • Easy & Fast Approval

Getting approved on ShareASale is quick and easy. Moreover, you can activate auto-approval for merchants which further smoothens the procedure.


  • Pay-Per-Lead Programme

They have a pay-per-lead program which means if you generate a lead for them or even a free sign-up, you’d earn a commission on that as well. So, that’s extra earnings.

How to Get Approved on the ShareASale Affiliate Network?

The benefits discussed surely would make you want to start your affiliate journey on ShareASale. The question is how do you get approved by the ShareASale affiliate marketing place? Well, being a ShareASale affiliate is an easy process.


Simply follow the steps explained herein below-

1. Make Sure You Meet The ShareASale Affiliate Requirements

Before you can apply as a ShareASale affiliate to join the network, you must ensure that you meet all their requirements so that you’re instantly approved. So, ensure that you have-


  • A website with a top-level domain and good content that drives consistent traffic. (You can create a website on WordPress or Blogger or any other CMS) 
  • A business email address with your own website domain. (a Gmail or yahoo email address will not work)
  • Make sure that you’re providing accurate and verifiable information about yourself.
  • Ensure that everything is in English.
  • Ensure that the content that you’re uploading on your website is good quality content that gives value to the readers.
  • Make sure that your website has genuine traffic and that it’s not fake or purchased. Organic traffic on the website is essential for getting approved.

2. Sign Up As An Affiliate On ShareASale

Once you’ve ensured that you’re through with the necessary ShareASale sign-up requirements to get approved as an affiliate, you need to sign up in the network.

Simply go to the ShareASale website, click on the sign-up button and choose “Sign Up As An Affiliate

You’ll be redirected to a page where you will be asked to create a username and password. Do that and move on to the next step on the page.

ShareASale Affiliate Network sign up process

3. Enter Your Website Information

In this step, you need to mention all about your website. For approval, it’s necessary that your website has a top-level domain, good content, and significant traffic. So, ensure that all these requirements are met.


Once you have entered your website details and the type of content it has, you also need to share your promotion strategy. So, make sure you have that ready.

Once done with all fields, move on to the next step.

ShareASale Affiliate Network account creation

4. Email Confirmation and Contact Details

For approval, it’s essential that you provide a business email address, so make sure of that. It’s not like you cannot get approval with Gmail or Yahoo email accounts, but those are not sure-shot ways of getting approved. In fact, there’s a high possibility that your application will be rejected.


So, save yourself from the trouble and share a business email address with your owned website domain name.

ShareASale Affiliate Network account creation

You will also have to share your contact details. Be sure that you are sharing true, authentic, and verifiable information.

5. Select Payout Detail

Finally, you have to select the payout details for your affiliate account. You can choose from options like direct deposit, check, wire transfer, or Payoneer account payment.

selecting payout detail forShareASale Affiliate Network

Once done, click on the “Complete Sign Up” Button.

For direct deposit, you’ll have to fill out a form in the Payment Settings page, and wire transfer has a fee levied on it.


In case, you don’t have a Payoneer account, you can create one, or choose any other method of payout.


Once you’re done with all these steps, you’ll receive a confirmation mail to confirm your application. Confirm that application and wait for the final approval mail. It takes anywhere between a few minutes to a few days to receive the approval.

If you’re approved, you can sign in to your ShareASale affiliate account using the username and password you created during sign-up.

Reasons Your Application Can Get Declined By ShareASale

It’s possible that your application gets declined by ShareASale. It can happen for several reasons such as not meeting ShareASale affiliate requirements, etc.

Here are some reasons why your application can get declined by ShareASale-

  1. The website URL that you shared is not live or running.
  2. There is no significant traffic on your website.
  3. Your website features adult content or has adult banners.
  4. You are trying to get approval through a Gmail or Yahoo or other such email account address and not a business email address.
  5. Your website has content that promotes violence, hatered, or illegal activities.
  6. You are a resident of a country that is not supported by ShareASale.

What to do When Your Request to Join ShareASale is Rejected?

If you’re a resident of an unsupported country, then, unfortunately, there’s nothing you could do.


However, if your application is rejected for another reason, you can reapply. But before you do that, make sure to try and figure out the exact reason your application was declined.


Also, ensure that you make some improvements to your website before reapplying so that you’re in a better position to get your application approved.


If even after your repeated attempts, ShareASale keeps declining your application, contact them on their email support or call system, try to find out the reasons they’re declining your application, and take suggestions for improvements that you can make to get approval.

What Next After Getting Your ShareASale Application Accepted?

Once you’re approved on the ShareASale network, it’s time to start making money by finding merchants to collaborate with.


Search for merchants and websites that you can promote on your website and send them a collaboration request.


Some merchants automatically approve you through the auto-approval settings. However, some other merchants review your website before approving you. They also check your ShareASale account. So, ensure that you’re maintaining your website and ShareASale account well to get approved easily by the merchants as well.


For maintaining your ShareASale account, make sure that you have added a profile picture, a description of your blog and its content, and your marketing strategies.

You can also share with merchants how you plan on promoting them. This increases your chances of approval.


For your website, make sure that you have good content on it with every page well optimized so that there is consistent traffic.

Are You Ready to Start Making Money with ShareASale Network?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money with little effort, especially when you’re an affiliate with networks like ShareASale. Getting approved is easy, all you need to do is take care of the ShareASale affiliate requirements and ensure that your website is well-functional and meets their guidelines.


We hope this article helped and you’re all set to start your affiliate journey on ShareASale. 

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