Mufti Menk To Address Gatherings in Muscat

Muscat -International Islamic scholar Ismail Musa Menk from Zimbabwe, who is popularly known as Mufti Menk, will be delivering a series of lectures on May 23 and 24, in Muscat.
The scholar is loved by millions across the globe who know him for his balanced approach, deep knowledge, wisdom and wit, and his coming to Muscat has created excitement among the public. Organised by the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs (MARA), Mufti Menk’s lectures will focus on ‘Insights Into the Holy Quran’ on Thursday immediately after Asr prayers at Sayyida Fatima bint Ali Mosque in Al Hail.
He will also participate in the fourth annual ‘Taaruf’ event organised by the Department of Introducing Islam to Non-Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan. This year he will deliver a lecture at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre on Friday at 4.30pm.
“The lectures come within a number of programmes and activities organised by the department of introducing Islam and cultural exchange in the Ifta Office during the holy month and also it is part of the programmes for non-Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan,” an official from MARA said.
This is Mufti Menk’s second visit to Oman and he is as excited as the public here. In a video message about his visit to Muscat, Mufti Menk said, “On Thursday, I will be delivering open public lecture at Sayyida Fatima bint Ali Mosque and I am looking forward to seeing all of you and I am excited about it. On Friday, I will be delivering a talk about introducing Islam to people of other faiths at 4.30pm at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre.”
In his last visit, Mufti Menk delivered three lectures at the Culture Centre of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque last year where more than 4,000 people attended each day of his lectures.
“When he came last year, I attended all the three-day sessions and still felt I hadn’t had enough and so I prayed that he comes back again. Now that he will be coming back, I am overexcited and prepared to attend and hear the word of Allah. Very good timing for a good guest, and mentor in our great month,” said Fatmah al Naamani, a Muscat resident.
Many others in Oman were excited about his visit and said they learn a lot from his lectures.
“It’s a great honour and privilege to have Mufti Menk with us in Oman especially in this holy month. I am looking forward to attending all his lectures and grabbing all the benefits. I have been waiting for this great opportunity because his talks are amazing, inspiring, motivating,” said Saada Saeed.
“As young Muslim men when we attend such gatherings the main benefit we get is while listening to him there is this feeling of peace, tranquility and calmness. Him coming to Muscat again means a lot to us,” Hassan Mohammed said. @shadadm


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