Mufti Menk To Address Gatherings in Muscat

Mufti Menk To Address Gatherings in Muscat

Muscat -International Islamic scholar Ismail Musa Menk from Zimbabwe, who is popularly known as Mufti Menk, will be delivering a series of lectures on May 23 and 24, in Muscat.
The scholar is loved by millions across the globe who know him for his balanced approach, deep knowledge, wisdom and wit, and his coming to Muscat has created excitement among the public. Organised by the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs (MARA), Mufti Menk’s lectures will focus on ‘Insights Into the Holy Quran’ on Thursday immediately after Asr prayers at Sayyida Fatima bint Ali Mosque in Al Hail.
He will also participate in the fourth annual ‘Taaruf’ event organised by the Department of Introducing Islam to Non-Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan. This year he will deliver a lecture at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre on Friday at 4.30pm.
“The lectures come within a number of programmes and activities organised by the department of introducing Islam and cultural exchange in the Ifta Office during the holy month and also it is part of the programmes for non-Muslims in the holy month of Ramadan,” an official from MARA said.
This is Mufti Menk’s second visit to Oman and he is as excited as the public here. In a video message about his visit to Muscat, Mufti Menk said, “On Thursday, I will be delivering open public lecture at Sayyida Fatima bint Ali Mosque and I am looking forward to seeing all of you and I am excited about it. On Friday, I will be delivering a talk about introducing Islam to people of other faiths at 4.30pm at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre.”
In his last visit, Mufti Menk delivered three lectures at the Culture Centre of the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque last year where more than 4,000 people attended each day of his lectures.
“When he came last year, I attended all the three-day sessions and still felt I hadn’t had enough and so I prayed that he comes back again. Now that he will be coming back, I am overexcited and prepared to attend and hear the word of Allah. Very good timing for a good guest, and mentor in our great month,” said Fatmah al Naamani, a Muscat resident.
Many others in Oman were excited about his visit and said they learn a lot from his lectures.
“It’s a great honour and privilege to have Mufti Menk with us in Oman especially in this holy month. I am looking forward to attending all his lectures and grabbing all the benefits. I have been waiting for this great opportunity because his talks are amazing, inspiring, motivating,” said Saada Saeed.
“As young Muslim men when we attend such gatherings the main benefit we get is while listening to him there is this feeling of peace, tranquility and calmness. Him coming to Muscat again means a lot to us,” Hassan Mohammed said. @shadadm
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The Virtues Of The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

The Virtues Of The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

AlhamduLilah we are heading towards the completion of 1440AH Ramadan (May Allah make the rest easy and spare our lives to witness more of it). In sha Allah, by this time of next week, we would be in the last ten days of the month. In what follows, it is imperative we tell each other about the virtues of the last ten days of the month so as to prepare for it to earn the big rewards available in these days.

The last ten days of Ramadan are blessed by Allah with unique virtues. Among such virtues is that Laylat Al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) is among them. About this Night, Allah, The Most Exalted, Says (what means): “Ha, Meem. By the clear Book. Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that night is made distinct every precise matter - [Every] matter [proceeding] from Us. Indeed, We were to send [a messenger]. As mercy from your Lord. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.”[Quran 44:1-6]

Allah sent down the Quran on this Night which He, The Most Exalted, described as blessed. It was reported from a group of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) – including Ibn ‘Abbaas, Qataadah, Sa’eed ibn Jubayr, ‘Ikrimah, Mujaahid and others , may Allah be pleased with them- that the night on which the Quran was sent down was Laylat Al-Qadr.

The phrase (which means): “On that night is made distinct every precise matter,” indicates that on this night the destiny of all creatures for the coming year is decreed. On that night it is written who will live, who will die, who will be saved, who will be doomed, who will be destined for Paradise, who will be destined for Hell, who will be granted honour, who will be humiliated, where drought and famine will occur, and everything else that Allah Wills in that year.

Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “You may see a man furnishing his home or plowing his field, and he is one of those who are going to die,” i.e., it has been decreed on Laylat Al-Qadr that he is one of those who are going to die (in the coming year). And it was said that on this night, the destiny of people is shown to the angels.

The meaning of “Qadr” is veneration or honor, i.e. it is a night that is venerated because of its special characteristics, and because the one who stays up during this night becomes a person of honor. And it was said that Qadr means constriction, in the sense that the knowledge of precisely when this night is, is hidden. Al-Khaleel ibn Ahmad may Allah have mercy upon him said: “It was called Laylat Al-Qadr because the earth is constricted by the great numbers of angels on that night, and Qadr means constriction.”

It was also said that Qadr means Qadar (decree), i.e., that on this night the decrees for the coming year are ordained, as Allah Says (what means): “On that night is made distinct every precise matter.” [Quran 44:4]and because the decrees of Allah are decided and written down on this night.

So Allah has called it Laylat Al-Qadr, because of its great value and high status with Allah, and because so many sins are forgiven and so many faults are concealed during this night. For it is the night of forgiveness, as it was reported that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Whoever stays up during Laylat Al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of earning the reward of Allah, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Allah has given this night special characteristics which make it unique, such as:

1. It is the night on which the Quran was sent down, as we have stated above. Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Allah sent down the Quran at one time from Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooth (the Preserved Tablet in the Seventh Heaven) to Bayt Al-‘Izzah (House of Pride) in the first Heaven, then it was revealed to the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) in stages according to events over twenty-three years.” [Ibn Katheer]

2. Allah described it as being better than a thousand months, as He Says (what means): “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.” [Quran 97:3]

3. Allah described it as being blessed, as He Says (what means): “Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night.” [Quran 44: 3]

4. On this night, the angels and the Spirit [Jibreel (Angel Gabriel)] descend, “i.e., many angels descend on this night because it is so blessed, and the angels come down when the blessings and mercy of Allah come down, just as they come down when the Quran is recited, and they surround the circles of Thikr (gatherings where Allah is mentioned), and they spread their wings for the one who sincerely seeks knowledge, out of respect for him.” [Ibn Katheer]
Jibreel is specifically mentioned as a sign of respect for him.

5. This night is described as peace, i.e., it is safe, for the devils cannot do any evil or cause any harm on this night, as Mujaahid may Allah have mercy upon him said: “On this night, many people are saved from punishment because of what they do to worship Allah, The Most Exalted.”

6. Allah Says (what means):“On that night is made distinct every precise matter.” [Quran 44:4], the affairs of that year are dispatched from the Preserved Tablet to the angels who record the decrees: who will live, who will die, what provision people will be given, what will happen until the end of that year, every matter of ordainments is decreed, and it cannot be altered or changed. [Ibn Katheer]

All of this is already known to Allah before it is even written down, but He makes known to the angels what is to happen, and commands them to do whatever they are enjoined to do.

7. Allah revealed a Chapter concerning this night which will be recited until the Day of Resurrection, in which He mentions the honor and great value of this night. This is the Chapter in which Almighty Allah Says (what means): “Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” [Quran 97:1-5]

The verse (which means): “And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree?” [Quran 97:2]serves to draw attention to the importance and great significance of this night.

The verse (which means): “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.”Means that worship during it is better than worship during a thousand months (which means over eighty three years). This is a great virtue, the value of which no one can fully understand except The Lord of the Worlds, The Most Exalted.

Laylat Al-Qadr is in the last ten days of Ramadan, as stated in the narration of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Seek Laylat Al-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadan.” [Muslim]

It is more likely to be one of the odd-numbered nights, because of the narration of ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, who said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ``alayhi wa sallam, had said: “Seek Laylat Al-Qadr in the odd-numbered nights of the last ten nights.” [Al-Bukhari]

We should seek it especially in the odd-numbered nights, i.e., on the twenty-first, the twenty-third, the twenty-fifth, the twenty-seventh and the twenty-ninth. It was also reported that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Seek it in the last ten nights, on the odd-numbered nights.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

It is most likely to be on the night of the twenty-seventh. This is according to the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ): “Laylat Al-Qadr is the night of the twenty-seventh.” [Ahmad and Abu Daawood] The view that it is the night of the twenty-seventh is the opinion of most of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and the majority of scholars. Ubayy ibn Ka’b, may Allah be pleased with him, used to assert, without saying “Inshaa Allah-God willing” that: “…it was the night of the twenty-seventh. Zurr ibn Hubaysh, may Allah be pleased with him, said to Ubayy, may Allah be pleased with him: ‘I said: What makes you say that, O Abu’l-Munthir (i.e. Ubay)?’ He, may Allah be pleased with him, said: ‘By the signs of which the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) told us: that the sun rises that morning with no visible rays.’” [Muslim]

The fact that it is more likely the night of the twenty-seventh –Allah knows best – does not mean that this is always the case. It could be any of the other odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Some of the scholars ruled that it is more likely that it moves and does not come on a specific night each year.

Allah has concealed this night so that His slaves will strive to seek it, and will strive hard in worship, just as He has concealed the blessed hour of Friday.

Therefore, we should strive hard during the days and nights of these ten days, seeking Laylat Al-Qadr and following the example of our Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) and we should strive in supplication and seeking to draw close to Allah Almighty not celebrating the night like our people do, what will use to see in our society is not Lailatul Qodri but Lailatul kowomi (The night of embezzling money).

May Allah grant us the understanding of His deen (Aameen)

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Prayer To Be Said On The Night Of Lailatul Qodri

Prayer To Be Said On The Night Of Lailatul Qodri

 Laylatul Qadr - The Night of Power is a great and powerful night that is better than a 1000 months (83 years and 4 months).

For the virtues of the night of power and in particular the last ten days of Ramadan, see here. To know how to seek the great night and suggested practices for this night, check here.

Aaisha (RA) reports: "I said: 'O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) should I find myself the "Laylatul Qadr", what shall I pray ? Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied: say, “Allaahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu anni” "O Allah, You are most forgiving, You love forgiveness, so forigve me." (Tirmizi).
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"Legend" - Davido Reacts To Ubi Franklin Expecting His 4th Child

"Legend" - Davido Reacts To Ubi Franklin Expecting His 4th Child

Triple MG boss, Ubi Franklin, is expecting his fourth child with the fourth woman, a U.S-based Nigerian business woman, Sandra Iheuwa.
The baby is expected to arrive anytime soon.

SInger Davido reacted to the news calling Ubi a 'Legend'.

Last month, he welcomed his 3rd child with his South African former staff, Nicola Siyo.

Ubi has a child with his ex-wife, actress Lilian Esoro, and another with a U.S. based lady, who has his first daughter.
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Governor Ibrahim Gaidam Approves N6bn For Upgrade Of Non Existing Airport - SR

Governor Ibrahim Gaidam Approves N6bn For Upgrade Of Non Existing Airport - SR

Gaidam approved the money at the State Executive Council meeting that held on Wednesday in Damaturu.

Barely six days to handing over as Governor of Yobe State, Governor Ibrahim Gaidam has approved the sum of N6,067,305,786.91 for the upgrade of design of Yobe International Cargo Airport.

The money would also be used to cater for the bill of quantity for the completion of the International Cargo Airport.

Gaidam approved the money at the State Executive Council meeting that held on Wednesday in Damaturu.

Speaking to newsmen after the meeting, Alhaji Mala Musti, State Commissioner of Information, said N127,187,270.00 was earmarked to cater for operational expenses of 2019 Hajj.

He added that the monies approved were to ensure the deadline of May 30, 2019, fixed for the completion is done.

“This is in a bid to meet the deadline of May 30, 2019, for the final remittances of 2019 Hajj fares by the states pilgrims agencies, boards and commissions in Nigeria to NAHCON,” Musti said.

It could be recalled that in November 2018, Gaidam had set aside N4.2 billion for the completion of the international cargo airport.

Also in June 2018, the sum of N1.760 billion contract was awarded to United Aviation Services for the supply and installation of communication gadgets at the Damaturu International Cargo Airport under construction.

In 2017, Gaidam awarded the contract for the building of airport at N11.3 billion and he promised to complete the cargo airport with the commissioning slated for or before May 29, 2019.
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29,723 Nigerian Immigrants In The U.S. ‘overstayed’ In 2018

29,723 Nigerian Immigrants In The U.S. ‘overstayed’ In 2018

A new report revealed that 29,723 Nigerian immigrants in the US ‘overstayed’ in 2018, after arriving as non-immigrants through the air or sea port of entry (POE).The report titled: “The fiscal Year 2018 Entry/Exit Overstay Report", shows the numbers and rate of expected departures of foreigners, who arrived in the United States as non-immigrants.
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Comedian Igodye Writes On The Struggles Of Men In Africa

Comedian Igodye Writes On The Struggles Of Men In Africa

Comedian I Go Dye gives reasons why African men can’t be romantic

Shared with caption ..

How can an African man with these kind of loads be romantic like an American man?* *● Children school fees* *● house rents* *● Electricity bills* *● Medical bills* *● Generator fuel & repairs* *● Car fuel and repairs* *● Feeding of family* *● Clothes for children* *● Sallah or Christmas and New year bills* *● Furniture & House maintenance* *● In-laws wahala/demand* *● His own aged parents* *● His siblings most times* *● His wife's demands* *● Vigilante bills* *● Erecting Building* *● Religious demands* *● Family social bills* *● Electronics bills* *● Recharge cards* *● Extended family bills* *● Community demands* *On top of the above, he also faces:* *● Wife stress* *● Boss stress at work* *● Police stress on the way* *● Area boys stress* *● Kidnappers fear* *● Friends stress* *● Economy stress* *● Fear of job loss* *● Unemployment pains* *● Armed Robbery stress* *● Children misbehaviour* *● Neighbours stress* *● Bank loan payment stress* *● Enemies stress* *● Demonic attack stress* *● Sex stress* *..and so on! OMG!!* *Are these reasons not enough for all African Wives to understand and give their husbands peace at home?* *Are men not trying? How can an African man with these kind of loads be romantic like an American man?**Women, please give your husband's peace at home. Encourage your husbands.* *Stop being sarcastic to them. Except if you like to join the widows club early! Note:**That club is not funny. Ask members. Help your husband. Contribute to the family. Be a helper. Be submissive. Stop nagging.* *Build your home and marriage. It is not greener outside there. Don't be deceived!!**Help your partner to live longer like you.

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President Mnangagwa Fires Joram Gumbo Over Power Outage For 8 Hrs Per Day

President Mnangagwa Fires Joram Gumbo Over Power Outage For 8 Hrs Per Day

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe has fired Joram Gumbo (pictured), his minister of energy and power development, over “poor electricity supply” across the country.

According to BBC, Zimbabwe is experiencing the worst electricity blackouts since 2016.

This is coming after the minister had licenced over 30 companies to provide solar power to the country and concluded plans to travel to Mozambique, a neighbouring country, to make an arrangement for an electricity supply deal.

Gumbo was replaced by Fortune Chasi, the deputy minister for transport and infrastructural development.

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), the state-owned power firm, said there would be blackouts for about eight hours daily because of a drop in output at its largest hydro plant and ageing coal-fired generators.

“The power shortfall is being managed through load shedding in order to balance the power supply available and the demand,” ZETDC had said in a public notice.

On Monday, Reuters had reported that the last time Zimbabwe experienced such serious blackouts was in 2016 after a devastating drought.

Due to low water levels and poor coal supplies to the generating plants, the country is currently producing 969 megawatts (MW) daily against peak demand of 2,100 MW.

Zimbabwe is reported to have experienced very low rainfall during the 2018-2019 raining season with most water bodies drying up.

TheCable reported how the Nigerian electricity grid collapsed twice within 24 hours last week causing blackouts in most states across the country.

The recent grid collapse was the sixth to be recorded in 2019.

Can we have such in Nigeria?
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Driver, Conductor Arrested With Cannabis Worth N20m - Picture

Driver, Conductor Arrested With Cannabis Worth N20m - Picture

Operatives of the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), have arrested a truck driver, Monday Michael, 46, and his conductor, Alex Adieli, 43, for allegedly trafficking in N20 million worth of cannabis.

Our correspondent learnt that the suspects were arrested last Friday while attempting to bring into Lagos from Ondo the illicit substance concealed in a false compartment they had created in a MAN Diesel truck registration number JJJ 959 XN.

The acting Lagos State Commander of the NDLEA, Barrister Fredrick Ezeorah, who confirmed the development, said that the operatives of the agency intercepted the truck about 1.30pm on Friday.

Ezeorah said that when the agency’s operatives searched the truck, they discovered it to be laden with 150 bags of cannabis weighing 2.139 tons, with a street value of N20m.

He attributed the achievement to intelligence gathered over a period of time on the activities of the two suspects persons, whom he said specialized in bringing such illicit substances into Lagos State. Ezeorah said that Michael admitted during interrogation by NDLEA officers that he had been in the business for many years without being caught.

He was said to have appealed to the NDLEA to let him off the hook as he would desist from the business. “The NDLEA will continue to work assiduously by consolidating on the gains recorded in the fight against insurgency and other crimes. “Over 2.139 tons of cannabis would have been taken to Lagos if not for the timely interception by men of this command.

Several crimes are perpetrated under the influence of drugs like cannabis, and the agency will not rest until the problem of cannabis cultivation, trafficking and usage is drastically reduced,” he said.

He added that the NDLEA had declared total war on illicit drugs and promised to deploy adequate resources towards monitoring, interception and arrest of dealers and consumers.

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Kaduna Guber: Ashiru, PDP Move To Dethrone El-rufai, Seek Recount Of Ballot

Kaduna Guber: Ashiru, PDP Move To Dethrone El-rufai, Seek Recount Of Ballot

The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 general elections, Isah Ashiru, on Tuesday, filed an application seeking for a recount of the votes cast during the March 9 governorship polls.

Ashiru’s counsel, Elisha Kurah (SAN), submitted the application to the Justice I. M Bako-led tribunal that commenced pre-hearing session in Kaduna.
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I Had A Bad Relationship With National Assembly Under Saraki, Dogara — Buhari

I Had A Bad Relationship With National Assembly Under Saraki, Dogara — Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday reviewed the relationship between the Executive arm of the government and the outgoing 8th National Assembly and concluded that it was not the best.

Speaking at the Iftar dinner (breaking of fast) he hosted for the leadership of the National Assembly led by Senate President Bukola Saraki at the State House Tuesday evening, Mr Buhari said the nation deserved better than it got.
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The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Makurdi Zonal Office, on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, arraigned one Anna Ogbole and her company, Henot Global Business Limited on a two-count charge before Justice S. O. Itodo of the Benue State High Court, sitting in Makurdi for alleged issuance of dud cheque.
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Dayo Oginni Arrested For Internet Fraud

Dayo Oginni Arrested For Internet Fraud

A Shooting Stars Sports Club aka 3SC footballer identified as Dayo Oginni, has been arrested alongside two others for internet fraud. The Shooting Stars Footballer said to be a member of the feeders team of the popular Ibadan-based Nigerian football league team, was arrested alongside his brother-in-law, Alabi Okikiola; and his friend, Jonas Okwuwe, at a location on Fortune Estate, in the Ologuneru Olonde area of Ibadan, the Oyo State capital for internet fraud by the operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Ibadan zonal office.

Their arrest came following the petition of a neighbour, who had a suspicion over their lifestyle as they had no known source of income. An official of the football who confirmed the arrest of Oginni, said he was indeed a member of the popular soccer feeder team but has not been attending training for a while.While Oginni said he was an Ordinary National Diploma Part 1 student at The Polytechnic, Ibadan in his statement, Okwuwe claimed to be a Computer Science graduate from the Auchi Polytechnic, and Oginni’s brother-in-law, Okikiola, said he had a Higher National Diploma in Accounting.
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Davido Reacts To Zlatan Ibile's Release From EFCC Custody

Davido Reacts To Zlatan Ibile's Release From EFCC Custody

 Singer Davido confirmed and celebrates local rapper, Zlatan Ibile as he regained his freedom, 5 days after being arrested alongside Naira Marley and 3 others over their alleged involvement with cybercrime.

While four of them were released, Naira Marley remains in custody, allegedly due to some incriminating items found inside his laptop.

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Saraki Considering Turning Down Invitation To Aso Rock

Saraki Considering Turning Down Invitation To Aso Rock

 by Dyepkazah Shibayan

Senate President Bukola Saraki is said to be considering turning down an invitation to break fast with President Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential villa in Abuja on Tuesday.

During Ramadan, the presidency invites dignitaries to break fast with Buhari. On Monday, the president hosted members of his cabinet and it is the turn of federal lawmakers on Tuesday.

“The villa has invited the senate president for Iftar with the president. We don’t know if there is anything more than the breaking of fast between both men but I can tell you that he was invited to the villa, though he is having another thought about attending it,” the source said.

When contacted Garba Shehu, spokesman of the president, confirmed that Buhari would be hosting the leadership of the national assembly.

“The President is hosting the leadership of the National Assembly to the breaking of fast this evening,” Shehu said in a text message.

Yusuph Olaniyonu, media aide of Saraki, also confirmed that Saraki was invited but said the senate president will “most likely” attend the event.

The president’s invitation to the senate president is coming at a time Saraki is having a running battle with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

Last week, the commission said it would probe Saraki’s tenure as governor of Kwara state.

Saraki was governor of the state between 2003 and 2011. The agency has reportedly seized some of Saraki’s choice properties in Lagos state.

The senate president has accused the agency of witch-hunt, wondering why there are attempts to probe him over allegations the supreme court cleared him of.
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I Left PDP Because I Was Expelled - Akpabio Tells Court

I Left PDP Because I Was Expelled - Akpabio Tells Court

By Sunday Ejike – Abuja

Former governor of Akwa Ibom state on Tuesday told a Federal High Court, Abuja that he moved to the All Progressive Party (APC) because the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) expelled him from the party.

While urging the court to dismiss the suit filed last year by the Legal Defense and Assistant Project (LEDAP) seeking to declare the seat of Akpabio and 54 other national lawmakers vacant over their defection from one political party to the other in 2018, the former governor said the PDP in his ward suspended him, after which he was expelled from the party at the local government level.

Speaking through his counsel, Sunday Ameh (SAN), the Senator representing Akwa Ibom North West Senatorial District at the Senate said the date of the two incidences, in exhibits A and B, was July and August 2019.

“When juxtaposed with the calendar for the primary elections as issued by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the intention of the PDP then, was to render him fait accompli and to deny him a platform to contest the election, as his nomination must come from the ward up”, Ameh told the court.
The senior counsel said Akpabio, who is the 3rd defendant in the suit filed by LEDAP was thrown out of the PDP at a very crucial moment in a political arrangement towards 2019 general election.

“In order not to fall prey of the gang-up, calculated at turning him into political orphan and preventing him from participating in the 2019 general, “He has to take advantage of his constitutional right under Section 40 of the constitution to join the APC that was willing to accept him after his party has thrown him out”.
Ameh told the court what the PDP did to Akpabio was an uncommon situation and that is why he seeks a constitutional remedy.

He said if Akpabio’s action was not correct, the PDP would have applied to be joined in the matter to say that the 3rd defendant willingly left the party and urged the court to dismiss the suit for being incompetent and lacking in merit.

Earlier in his oral submission, counsel to the plaintiff, Jibrin Okutepa (SAN) insisted that there was no division to warrant the defendants’ defection, adding also that the further counter affidavit deposed to personally shows that defendants have admitted that there was no division in their parties.

Okutepa, while urging the court to discountenance the arguments of Akpabio’s counsel said, “When you have a petty local quarrel within your political party at the ward level, it does not give you an unbridled license to join another political party.

“What they put as expulsion from his local branch, does not constitute a division known to law to bring the case of the 3rd defendant under Section 58(1)(g) of the 1999 constitution, as amended”, Okutepa added.

He urged the court to hold that the defence raised in the further counter affidavit cannot avail the 3rd defendant the ground to stop the court from making an order sacking the defendants from their seat at the National Assembly Counsel to Senate President Bukola Saraki and other defendants in the suit, Mahmud Magaji (SAN) in his submission, urged the court to dismiss the suit as filed by the plaintiff for constituting an abuse of court process.

“If a person is suspended, expelled or removed from a political party, he can move to another political party of his choice. The 3rd defendant only exercised his freedom of association and urged the court to dismiss the suit without cost.

The trial Judge, in a bench ruling, said judgment in the suit will be delivered on May 17, 2019, subject to availability of judicial time.
LEDAP had last year approached the Court with a suit seeking to declare the seat of the affected national lawmakers vacant over their defection to the two major political parties in 2018.
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Internet Fraud: EFCC Secures Four Convictions In 1 Day

Internet Fraud: EFCC Secures Four Convictions In 1 Day

 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, #EFCC, Port Harcourt Zonal Office, on Monday, May 13, 2019 secured four different convictions at a Federal High Court sitting in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

The convicts are: Wasiu Rasak, Chinedu Jude Abah, Rome Steven Itimi and Richard Uduma.

They were all convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment each by Justice M.I. Sani.

Rasak was arraigned on a one-count charge bordering on money laundering.
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Thief Beaten By Angry Mob In Lagos (Photos)

Thief Beaten By Angry Mob In Lagos (Photos)
Thief Almost Beating To Death By Angry Mob For Stealing Money.

 A guy ran out of luck today after allegedly robbing a woman who went to withdraw money at an ATM stand earlier today around Diamond Estate Bus/stop, Isheri/Igando Lagos.

The guy was beating mercilessly by angry Mobs and residents of Diamond Estate Igando.

According to an Eye witness who knew him said, He is part of a criminal gang known as “Omo Kesari”, they are know for armed robbery and other criminal activities around Idimu Lagos.

Many residents of that community, complained bitterly that they are also victim of armed robbery from the same Cult group know as “Omo Kesari”

The guy was rescued and taken to custody by Lagos State Neighborhood Service Corps 


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Leah Sharibu: Wole Soyinka Pays Tribute

Leah Sharibu: Wole Soyinka Pays Tribute

Wole Soyinka who spoke at the prestigious Georgetown University in Washington, United States, paid a special tribute to Leah Sharibu, the Dapchi Christian schoolgirl who is still being held captive by Boko Haram. Soyinka in his tribute to Leah Sharibu, compared her to late South African iconic human rights champion and president, Nelson Mandela.
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Mercy Aigbe: I Am Not Fully Divorced, I Might Go Back To My Husband

Mercy Aigbe: I Am Not Fully Divorced, I Might Go Back To My Husband

Nollywood actress and fashion icon, Mercy Aigbe said she might go back to her husband. She revealed this during an interview about her fashion & beauty business and her marriage.

During the interview, she was asked about her marriage to her estranged husband, Lanre Gentry and she revealed she is not fully divorced and might go back to him because she does not see herself getting married to somebody else. “Honestly, I have no such plans. I am not fully divorced, and I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Never say never. I have put everything in God’s hands. If God says I will go back to my husband, it is fine. If God says am okay like this, then it’s fine too. Let God take absolute control of everything but there’s no plan of ever settling with someone else.”

On her good looks, mercy revealed the secret behind it, she said:

I watch what I eat, I eat healthy, drink a lot of water, stay out of trouble as much as I can and I worry less, any problem I cannot solve, I take it to God almighty and that has really help me to stay happy and beautiful.
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